Tiger Stripes

Masked Sexy in Red | Boudoir Photography in Austin, TX
Masked Sexy in Red

Tiger Stripes

By Audrey Pinkmane

One thing that many women of all shapes and sizes struggle with is stretch marks. Stretch marks can happen from gaining weight, losing weight, pregnancy, puberty and sometimes they can just happen. Over half the women in the world have them. So what are stretch marks exactly?

Stretch marks are “striae distensae” or, in plain English “streaks extended.” It’s what happens when your skin stretches in a way it’s not used to. They usually start out red or purple, but eventually fade to a more silvery version of your skin color. Despite them being kind of annoying at first, they are not at all dangerous, or detrimental to your health. It’s very rarely and indicator that anything is wrong, besides the fact that your body is changing at a fast pace.

Normally, women try to hide their stretch marks, thinking that they’re ugly, but consider this: Over half of all women, everywhere, have them. So why is it such a big deal? It’s not a skin abnormality. Abnormal would indicate that it’s out of place or that it’s unusual to have them and that’s simply not true. So maybe instead of hiding them and feeling shame about them, embrace them!

I know, I know, it’s hard to embrace parts of your body that you don’t like, but there are ways to do it. Changing your outlook on something can be as simple as realizing that it’s something that bajillions of people deal with every day. Stretch marks are a sign of change, and change can often be a good thing. 

For example, if you’re extremely underweight, and you start a new diet that’s making you gain weight rapidly to get to a healthy level, you could develop stretch marks. But those angel scratches are a sign of accomplishment! Your life is changing and your body along with it. Don’t even get me started on pregnancy. 

Whatever your views on children for yourself, you have to admit making babies is kind of awesome. And people who choose to go through pregnancy for the sake of creating a new life are miracle workers. Their stretch marks are proof that they MADE A PERSON. That’s totally bonkers, and they should be proud of themselves.

In summation, if there’s something you truly hate about yourself, sometimes the answer is to change it, but sometimes the answer is to look at it from a different perspective. Consider all the aspects of it before making an outright decision to hate pieces of yourself. Do I love my own stretch marks? No, no I don’t. But I certainly don’t hate them. 

My weight has been in flux since I was twelve years old. Gaining weight, losing weight, regaining more weight, losing weight again. I’m currently in the process of becoming a healthier me and when I look at my stretch marks, I’m reminded of why. I have stretch marks because, in the past, I had trouble committing to myself and to my body that I’m going to treat it the way it deserves to be treated. 

But I’m fighting to make that commitment now, and my tiger stripes are my motivation to keep going.


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